Search Order | Location | Description | ||||
1 | Registry HKLMSystemSetup!UnattendFile | Specifies a pointer in the | ||||
2 | %WINDIR%PantherUnattend | The name of the answer file must Note Windows Setup | ||||
3 | %WINDIR%Panther | Windows Setup caches answer files
| ||||
4 | Removable read/write media in | Removable read/write media in The name of the answer file must | ||||
5 | Removable read-only media in order | Removable read-only media in order The name of the answer file must | ||||
6 | windowsPE and offlineServicing
All other passes:
| In the windowsPE and For all other configuration | ||||
7 | %SYSTEMDRIVE% | The answer file name must be |
7+ places for Unattend.xml (AutoUnattend.xml)
Here there are those famous seven places where answer file may be placed to be discovered automatically during Windows Vista (Server 2008) Install. The only one option is not mentioned in this table and that one is the most commonly used: setup.exe /unattend:[elsewhere][name of the share]unattend.xml.